Τhe EPLO Publications comprise journals, series and stand-alone publications dealing with topical issues of public law . The European Review of Public Law as well as the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies are included in EBSCO’s Legal Source database - as Academic Journals. The European Politeia is found on EBSCO’s Academic Search Ultimate database - as an Academic Journal.
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) was created as an international organization with headquarters in Athens, Greece, with suitable governance...
Τhe EPLO Publications comprise journals, series and stand-alone publications dealing with topical issues of public law . The European Review of Public Law as well as the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies are included in EBSCO’s Legal Source database - as Academic Journals. The European Politeia is found on EBSCO’s Academic Search Ultimate database - as an Academic Journal.
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) was created as an international organization with headquarters in Athens, Greece, with suitable governance...
The ERPL examines a wide range of issues that relate to the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights, the national public law and practices, as well as to their mutual interaction and influence.It is published quarterly & accepts submissions in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German and Italian.
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