European Review of Public Law (ERPL)


The European Review of Public Law (ERPL) is published four times per year. The Subscription option is a product allowing you to purchase all four subscriptions of the year as soon as all four of them are published. The issues are sent free of dispatching cost as long as they are sent all together. If you wish to buy a subscription before it is fully published (indicated in the description of the page) please be aware that dispatching will be delayed and you will receive it by the end of the year it is published as soon as issue no 4 is printed. The Annual Subscription refers to print editions only and we are currently publishing last year’s editions.

Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (CEELS)


The Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (CEELS) can be also purchased as an Annual Subscription. The issues are published twice a year. You will have to select the relevant year before purchasing. For the annual subscription, dispatching costs are applied. Issues will be dispatched as long as the last yearly issue is published. You will have to place your order, pay and will be advised by email accordingly.

European Journal of History and Culture (EurJHC)


The European Journal of History and Culture (EurJHC) is published semi-annually (two issues per year), and can be also purchased as an Annual Subscription. The subscription includes both issues for the selected year (in flipbook format). A flipbook is a different digital reading experience from a conventional Portable Document File (PDF); the display of content is viewable from left to right with page-flipping animation, as opposed to the scrolling nature of a PDF document. Please note that EPLO Publications flipbooks are protected from copying, sharing, printing or downloading. 

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