
General Guidelines for Submissions to the EPLO Publications

To avoid any conflict of interest, authors should state their present affiliation and indicate any personal or professional involvement in the subject matter of their manuscript.

Submission of a manuscript will be held to imply that the work described contains original material that has been approved by all co-authors and is not under consideration for any other publication at the same time. If the manuscript, or another version of it, is under consideration by another publication / has been or will be published elsewhere / is available at a repository or pre-print server, authors are required to state this at the time of submission. If a preprint of the manuscript is available at a pre-print server / repository, the exact citation must be included in the submission. In case of approval for publication by the EPLO, authors must update the preprint citation to include the wording: “This article has been accepted for publication in [journal title], published by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO).” After publication, the citation must be updated as: “This is a preprint of the article published by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) in the [journal title, issue no., year].

Once material has been accepted for first publication by the EPLO, it should not be submitted for publication elsewhere, either in print or electronic form, without the consent of the Editors/Publisher.

No proofs are submitted to the authors before publication unless explicitly required upon submission of the manuscript or if deemed necessary by the EPLO Publications Editing Secretariat.

In order to attract scholarship of the highest standard, papers submitted by authors undergo rigorous peer review. The process of review normally takes between six to eight weeks.

General Policies and Information: The content of the manuscripts engages only their authors and in no case the EPLO Publications or the EPLO. Upon publication, the Authors of articles/chronicles in the EPLO journals receive a free print copy of the journal’s issue in which their articles/chronicles appear (where print version is available) and/or the PDF format of their article/chronicle.

Copyright in all pieces accepted for publication remains with the Publisher, unless otherwise explicitly requested by the Author. lf all or any part of a manuscript is reproduced elsewhere, the Author should refer to its original place of publication (Journal or any other EPLO Publication). All rights reserved. No part of the EPLO Publications may be reproduced in any form, by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the Publisher.




Formatting Standards

This is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to our house style and formatting guidelines but it does offer a few key points that we would appreciate if respected. However, authors are kindly requested to note that their texts will be edited thoroughly for house style points by the EPLO Publications Editing Secretariat.


  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format (Times New Roman font, size 11, text justified). The texts should be presented in Times New Roman font, size 11, text justified. Paragraphs should not be indented. Please use footnotes rather than endnotes, using Times New Roman font, size 10.
  • The text should start with the title of the article which is to be followed by the author’s name. The full first name of the author should be used (not only the initial) and a footnote marked with an asterisk (*) should refer to the author’s institutional affiliation (e.g. Professor at the University of Paris I).
  • If there are more than one author, then the names should be separated by slashes (/), and separate asterisk footnotes (e.g. * for the first author, ** for the second author etc.) should be used referring to their institutional affiliation (see point above).
  • If authors wish to present acknowledgements, disclaimers or other text of this kind, they are requested to insert an asterisk (*) footnote to the title of the article. In this case, the footnote to the author’s name referring to his/her affiliation (see points above) should be a double asterisk (**) footnote.
  • Cross-references should refer to the relevant section of the article or to the exact footnote number and not to a page number of the article.
  • All references, cross-references and citations should be checked by the authors before the submission of their articles.
  • Final decisions on formatting matters, or matters of grammar, punctuation etc. that are not mentioned in this document are to be taken by the Editors.
European Review of Public Law (ERPL)

Articles should not normally exceed 12,000 words including footnotes. They should begin with an indented and italicised abstract of around 150 words which sets out the main arguments and conclusions of the article.

The ERPL is committed to linguistic diversity by accepting submissions in seven languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German and Italian. If the article is written in a language other than English, then an abstract and title in English should be submitted as well. 3-4 keywords in English for indexing purposes should accompany the paper. Authors’ names and affiliations as well as Bibliographical References should be in Roman script (or also in Roman script) in case of papers written in non-Roman script.

Shorter articles dealing with developments in recent legislation and case-law within the European institutions for the on-line edition of the European Review of Public Law should usually be in the vicinity of 1,500-3,000 words.

Book reviews should normally be of 1,000-2,000 words in length. Expressions of interest for specific book reviews or suggestions of books to be reviewed should be communicated in advance to the Book Review editor. Reviews are also considered from the review books sent to us by publishers. Contributions and proposals regarding literature of non-English publications are particularly encouraged. In order to ensure the widest possible readership of the review information about these publications, submissions for book reviews are accepted in English or French only.

Authors are requested to use the house style and formatting guidelines.

Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (CEELS)

Articles should not normally exceed 12,000 words including footnotes. They should begin with an indented and italicised abstract of around 150 words which sets out the main arguments and conclusions of the article.

The CEELS accepts articles in English, French, Russian, German, Italian as well as in the native languages of authors coming from Central and Eastern European countries (including the Turkish and Greek languages). If the article is written in a language other than English, then an abstract and title in English should be submitted as well. 3-4 keywords in English for indexing purposes should accompany the paper. Authors’ names and affiliations as well as Bibliographical References should be in Roman script (or also in Roman script) in case of papers written in non-Roman script.

Authors are requested to use the house style and formatting guidelines.

European Journal of History and Culture

In order to attract scholarship of the highest standard, papers submitted by authors undergo rigorous peer review. The process of review normally takes between six to eight weeks.

Articles should not normally exceed 12,000 words including footnotes. They should begin with an indented and italicised abstract in English (of around 200 words) which sets out the main arguments and conclusions of the article. 4-5 keywords in the language in which the paper is written and in English should accompany the paper for indexing purposes. The author may also submit up to 8 images (black & white or colored, in jpeg format). 

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To avoid any conflict of interest, authors should state their present affiliation and indicate any personal or professional involvement in the subject matter of their manuscript.

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