Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below some useful information on the EPLO Publications Online Shop. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
How to set up a personal account?
You need to first select the ‘Login’ tab (if not yet logged in) or ‘My account’ (if you have already logged in) on the top-right corner of the website page and then click on the ‘Edit’ tab. You will be able to insert/modify all your details (username, password, billing address etc.) and to subscribe/unsubscribe to our Newsletter.
What type of editions can I purchase at the EPLO Publications?
At the EPLO Publications e-shop you can purchase both print editions or digital articles and editions as well as Journal subscriptions. See your options hereafter:
1. European Review of Public Law Journal Annual Subscription: ERPL is published four times per year. The Subscription option is a product allowing you to purchase all four subscriptions of the year as soon as all four of them are published. The issues included in a Subscription are dispatched free of cost as long as they are sent all together. If you wish to buy a subscription before it is fully published please be aware that dispatching will be delayed and you will receive it by the end of the purchasing year as soon as issue n.4 is printed. The Annual Subscription refers to print editions only.
2. Annual Subcriptions for other Journals: The CEELS and the European Politeia can be also purchased through the relevant Annual Subscription products. Their issues are published twice a year. You will have to select the relative year before purchasing. For these annual subscriptions, dispatching costs are applied. Issues will be dispatched as long as the last yearly issue is published (in May or November of each as indicated for all subscriptions). You will be advised by email accordingly.
3. Print Editions of our publications: You can order the book of your choice and have it delivered by the standard postal service at the address of your preference. Courier service is also available but since this is not the most cost effective solution you may ask for this service by email.
4. Digital Editions: Many of our publications are also available in digital format. After purchasing, you can instantly download journal articles at your computer while books are only readable online. To purchase please select the product you would like to buy from the suggested list or the search application. You have to be logged in or registered in order to buy the products.If you wish to buy an Annual Subscription Click on the Journal of your choice Click on the Annual Subcription at the right sidebar menu. You can view all editions by clicking under the image Choose which year's subscription you would like to bu. Add it to your cart In the following screen register or login If you are an EPLO Student, an Agency, a Librarian, or a bookstore please inform us by mentioning this in the User Type section of the order form as different rules apply. Follow the purchasing process as per the instructions.
When does dispatching for Subscriptions take place?
Dispatching for the Annual Journal Subscriptions takes place normally once or twice a year following the publishing process. In Spring and Autumn. Purchased Annual Subscriptions will be sent during the prementioned periods normally in Autumn to the clients/agents that have ordered and paid.
What publications does the EPLO publish?
The EPLO is an international organization dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of Governance and Public Law lato sensu, including but not limited to, inter alia, national, comparative and European public law, human rights law and environmental law. Its mission is to promote European values for a better generation of lawyers and democratic institutions worldwide. As such, since 2013 it has undertaken as a Publisher one of the most acknowledged journals in the field of public law, the European Review of Public Law (ERPL) and its special editions, as well as other periodical editions and stand-alone publications dealing with public law issues.
European Review of Public Law journal
Published and supported by the EPLO, the European Review of Public Law is a quarterly publication with more than 1.500 pages yearly, established in 1989 to create an international forum for analysis and discussion of issues in the development of constitutional and administrative law in Europe. Not only does it examine a wide range of issues that relate to the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights, the national public law and practices, as well as to their mutual interaction and influence but it also covers other jurisdictions that interplay with the European Public Law systems and/or offer relevant comparative insights.
The Review is accompanied by 4 special editions:
“European Public Law Series”
The European Public Law Series created in 1998, is constituted of a series of books, monographs and essays purporting to contribute, through research or reflection thereby taking place, to the creation of a European public law - in particular through the systematic study of the different aspects of national legal systems in the EU Member States, in the European Union itself, as well as of their evolution & their convergence.
“European Papers”
European Papers is a series of succinct monographs focused on the fundamental categories of European Union law. The Series was inaugurated in 2001 with the aim of providing a forum of academic reflection and dialogue in the field, and has ever since concentrated on matters pertinent to the fundamental institutional elements of the Union, structures and practices of European governance, and patterns of continuity and change reflected in the development of EU law.
“Academy of European Public Law Series”
The Academy of European Public Law Series was launched in 2009, aiming at publishing the most representative results of the work of the Academy of European Public Law graduates. This series shows the quality of the work done in this academic environment and aims at encouraging an even better level of quality, as excellence is the only objective of the Academy.
“European Environmental Law Series”
The European Environmental Law Series was created in 2009, conscious of the role of comparative environmental law in the development of an effective global environmental protection and management system, focusing on the different aspects of national legal systems in the EU Member States, in the EU itself and worldwide.
Other publications include the periodicals:
“Central and Eastern European Legal Studies”
The Central and Eastern European Legal Studies, launched more than 15 years ago as a special edition of the ERPL, is from 2013 a biannual journal with its own Board of Editors, composed of renowned academics from Central, Eastern and Western European countries, specialized in this area. The aim is to give the opportunity to academics coming from CEE countries and also to academics from other countries, experts in this field, to come together and exchange views on Public Law issues of these countries.
"European Politeia"
European Politeia is a bi-annual journal of European law, public affairs and society published by the European Public Law Organization under the scientific supervision of the Greek Center of European Studies and Research (EKEME) of the EPLO. This is a European-Greek and Greek-European initiative. It is a Greek initiative but European in its outlook and concerns. The orientation of the journal is to offer a Greek perspective on the European project and European values. The European aspect in this journal is embodied by, amongst other things, seeking contributions in widely spoken languages, English, French or German. Its aim is to provide an additional forum for the ongoing debates on a broad range of issues and particularly those that transcend individual countries.
"Mediterranean Series"
The Series aims to highlight the Mediterranean dimension amidst the contemporary regional challenges.
"The Institute for Justice and Growth" Series
The Series of the Inistitute of Justice and Growth of the EPLO aims to reflect the suggestions, thoughts and opinions and mostly the concrete proposals of the judiciary and the academia as well as of the legal professionals sharing the vision of the Institute.
The EPLO also publishes stand alone editions.
What should I do If I want to buy a Digital Edition?
If you wish to buy a digital edition please select first the type of edition and then click on the Digital tab under the search box. Digital editions for journals are only sold per article not as a whole. This does not apply for the Series or Standalone editions.
In order to find which exact item you would like to buy:
a. You can use the search box on the top right of the site
b. If you know the Type of edition you can select it from the Menu or the Homescreen and then search by year or author
c. You can search it by alphabetical order in the comprehensive list of ALL Editions appearing on the Menu
I would like to buy a digital edition of European Review of Public Law. What should I do next?
European Review of Public Law is digitally available only by article or chronicle. A download of a full book is not yet available. You can find all the articles and chronicles published in ERPL since 2007 classified by year, issue or author by clicking on the relevant Icon or on the hyperlink of the previous screen. As soon as you select the desired article you may add it to the cart and follow the purchasing instructions to be able to download it immediately after payment.
What is the Digital Editions format?
Journal articles are available for downloading in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Books (when applicable) are available in Flipbook format (it offers a more advanced digital reading experience than conventional Portable Document File (PDF), such as displaying the content left to right and having page flipping animation, as opposed to the scrolling nature of a PDF document.)
Are Digital Editions readable on any electronic device?
In order to be able to read Digital Editions, the updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software) needs to be installed in your device for journal articles while for books you need to have the updated version of internet browsers (i.e. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox).
Can I re-download Digital Editions I purchased?
Once you have downloaded your purchased products, you cannot re-download them but you can save it in your computer for future reference.
What are my payment options?
You can purchase EPLO Publications by paying via bank transfer or with your credit card. All credit cards are accepted as long as they are VISA, Mastercard or American Express. No Paypal transactions are currently available. All credit card transactions are fully secured through the Bank of Pireus -Winbank ePOS System. Bank transfers are also available especially for subscriptions Payment should be directed to the account mentioned below. Do not forget to add the Order number and your Name at the deposit description. Please be aware that any extra bank charges are borne by the client. Forward payments to:
Beneficiary Name: European Public Law Organization
IBAN: BE24 3631 5402 6138
Swift code: BBRUBEBBY
For more info on returns and refunds kindly refer to Terms of Use page within this website.
What should I do if I receive the wrong products or if I want to exchange them?
In this regretful case you can inform us by email and then return the package to our offices by wrapping it in a safe way to maintain its original condition, enclosing all relevant documents within 14 days from date of purchase. Upon receipt we will examine the condition of the books, normally approve, inform you by email and then proceed with the requested order. If the exchange is not due to any item's deficiency dispatching cost burdens the buyer.
What if I want to Return the books I purchased?
If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, please inform us by email and return the purchased items in their original condition within 14 days from date of purchase. We will first examine the returned items and approve and then issue a refund for the price you paid for the product. Please note that the right to cancel does not apply to our digital editions. You can expect your payment to be refunded by the same means of payment within 40 days of receipt of the package in our offices.
For more information on Delivery and Shipping kindly refer to the relevant page within this website.
How will my books be dispatched?
You can pick up your books from our premises or we can dispatch them at the desired address. The books are packed in packages and are dispatched via the Hellenic Postal Service. You can always track your parcel here as long as you ask via email the tracking number of dispatching.
What is the cost for dispatching?
The service cost is calculated based on the country of destination and the weight of the parcel. You can find more on dispatching cost at the dedicated page within this website.
Before finalizing your order be informed that this product will be sent separately to the rest of your order in the next dispatching date (Spring or Autumn relatively)
Submit your paper
To avoid any conflict of interest, authors should state their present affiliation and indicate any personal or professional involvement in the subject matter of their manuscript.