In the first number of the year 2014 of the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies, 1/2014, the countries represented are Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey and Ukraine. The first article, coming from Ukraine, deals with the concept of protective intervention for the protection of cultural property which is analysed from different points of view: State immunity, contemporary doctrinal and practical approaches to the subjective composition of international law, responsibility to protect doctrine, responsibility while protecting doctrine, etc. The second paper, also coming from Ukraine, analyses European Development Aid Law as a body of legal rules that regulate the EU financing of external aid provided to the developing countries and argues that the legal acts comprising the sources of European Development Aid Law could be systematised by grouping into: primary legislation, international agreements and secondary legislation, identifying the legal acts that compose each group. The purpose of the third article included in this CEELS number is to examine the regional governance of Turkey and to identify the adjustments conducive to the financial management of municipalities during the EU accession process of Turkey. The next paper presents the current state of public administration in Georgia within the framework of legislation, practice, ongoing reforms and demonstrates the role of the modern model of Civil Society as an essential element for establishing a democratic state and good governance. It describes the way towards modernisation of the public administration in Georgia and gives wide analytical approaches for understanding the challenges of the current reforms. Another article aims to present the selected solutions adopted in Polish law regarding the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) by examining four issues: legal provisions; the administrative authority competent to carry out the EIA; advisory institutions; and public participation in the procedure. The concept of taxes in the Republic of Lithuania is the subject treated in the next paper: A distinct legal interpretation of the concept is first given while the analysis is based on the review of the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration, the doctrine of the Constitutional Court, etc. and on the study of the general features of the taxes. Finally, a paper examines the administrative legal regulation in the field of copyright protection, carried out by the internal affairs bodies in Ukraine. The author analyses the administrative legal mechanism of copyright protection and the legislation which regulates such relationship in Ukraine whereas special focus is given to the analysis of the current problem of copyright piracy and to searching the ways of reformation of the Ukrainian legislation.
D. O. KOVAL, The Concept of Protective Intervention: An Effective International Law Instrument for the Cultural Property Protection or a Fiction? [IN ENGLISH]
N. YAKUBOVSKA, European Development Aid Law: Legal Basis for the EU Development Aid Activities [IN ENGLISH]
P. TURAVA, On the Way to the Modernization of Public Administration in Georgia [IN ENGLISH]
A. KOSIERADZKA-FEDERCZYK, Dealing with Environmental Impact Assessment - The Polish Experience [IN ENGLISH]
B. SUDAVIČIUS, The Concept of Taxes in Lithuanian Law [IN LITHUANIAN]