Ph.D., Lecturer at the Warsaw School of Information Technology WIT,
under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences; assistant of a judge in the Constitutional Court
The purpose of this article is to present the selected solutions adopted in Polish law regarding the EIA. Full attention is paid to current legal solutions existing in the Polish legal system, and to their advantages or disadvantages. The article comprises an examination of four issues. The first is dedicated to legal provisions. The aim of the second is to place the EIA in the investment process. The next issue focuses on the administrative authority competent to carry out the EIA, advisory institutions, and the last one considers public participation in the procedure. In Poland, there is a clear legal basis concerning the EIA consisting of a separate act - Act of 2008. Since 2005, the EIA has been an independent procedure. There are many administrative authorities competent to carry out the EIA. The authority is obliged to notify about a request received for decisions on the environmental conditions. The law ensures public access to the EIA. All questions asked by the public must be received and answered.