Volume II, “Dimensions in Albanian Legal Studies / Aspects des Etudes Juridiques en Albanie”
63 pp., 2001, 30,49 €, ISBN: 960-8057-09-4
Volume II under the title “Dimensions in Albanian Legal Studies / Aspects des Etudes Juridiques en Albanie” is the product of a three-year TEMPUS programme entitled HERMES. This volume includes articles written by academics from the University of Tirana’s Law Faculty and which deal with the evolution of the Albanian Constitution; competition law; the issue of freedom of thought and expression; property law rights and the fight against organised crime.
The articles published in this volume of the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies were prepared by academics from the University of Tirana’s Law Faculty who took part in the HERMES project, a three-year TEMPUS programme. The beneficiary institution was the University of Tirana’s Law Faculty, whose academic law staff is responsible for the contributions to this legal study. The HERMES project dealt exclusively within the area of law and more specifically in introducing into the Law Faculty’s legal curriculum a European dimension. The consortium was led by the European Public Law Center (now European Public Law Organization), together with the Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV and the Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.
The five articles are representative of the crucial problems faced by the Albanian society at the moment from a legal perspective. Respectively, the articles deal with the evolution of the Albanian Constitution; competition law; the issue of freedom of thought and expression; property law rights and, finally, the fight against organised crime.
All of the articles together provide interesting insight into the legal dimensions in Albania. They represent also an example of how close or how far Albania is from the standards given by the European Union for membership. Membership in the European Union is after all a main objective of Albania.
A. P. MANTZOROS, Introduction
A. ANASTASI, La nouvelle Constitution albanaise de 1998 et les droits fondamentaux
A. MALLTEZI, The Albanian Law “On Competition”: Its meaning and spheres of action in Albania
J. LATIFI-FUGA, Some comments on the Law “On the Return and Compensation of Properties”
SH. BEJKO, Specific trends of organised crime in Albania