Public Safety Maintaining Bodies of the National Police of Ukraine in the Conditions of the Anti-Terrorist Operation
Vyacheslav Abroskin
2019/ No. 2
Digital edition
10.00 €

Public Safety Maintaining Bodies of the National Police of Ukraine
in the Conditions of the Anti-Terrorist Operation

Vyacheslav Abroskin

Ph.D. in Law, First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine - Chief of the Criminal Police,
Second Rank Police General

The study reveals the peculiarities of the police bodies’ activity concerning public safety maintenance at the Anti-Terrorist Operation launching stage, in the course of its direct progress and after the beginning of the Joint Forces Operation. The social and legal importance of the activity of the police bodies as public safety ensuring actors in the context of the Anti-Terrorist Operation is outlined. It is proved that the role of the police bodies as public safety ensuring actors in the context of the Anti-Terrorist Operation is twofold and can be analyzed at two levels: 1) the first (general) level of analysis focuses on the police bodies’ role in public safety maintenance and defense, rebuff and containment of armed aggression; 2) the second level is connected to the law enforcement role of the police, in particular pursuant to the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police of Ukraine”. In this context, the activity of the police under the conditions of the Anti-Terrorist Operation acquires special importance for the life and health preservation of the individuals who are not involved into the process of national security and defense and the prevention of illegal arms, ammunition, explosives and drugs trafficking inside and outside of the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone.

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