Non-recognition and Engagement –
The European Union’s Stance on the Post-Soviet Secessionist Entities
University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences
The European Union as an integration of a number of developed countries is an important actor and a factor in the international community and relations. Based on influential role on further members of this global community, the EU’s stance on any phenomenon on the international level is of huge importance on any matter. That is the reason why the European integration’s policy has such an impact also on the secessionist entities of the Post-Soviet region. This study aims to investigate and examine the Union’s strategy for peacemaking and peacekeeping in an area not accepted or recognized by it, based on further studies on these entities, missionary documents and official statements and legal acts of the organization. The main focus of this work is to shed light on the special ways of integrational representation in the region while rejecting the ideas of secessionism presented by it.