A Legal Theorist’s View of Fantasy Literature
Daniel Šmihula
2024/ No. 1
Digital edition
10.00 €

A Legal Theorist’s View of Fantasy Literature

Daniel Šmihula

doc. JUDr. MUDr., PhD. Dr. iur., Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia

The analysis of fantasy literature from the point of view of a legal theorist is not common. However, it is fully legitimate because there is a connection between law, statesmanship, political science, which are classical utopias, and also because fantasy literature is a reflection of the social ideal of a certain segment of the population in a modern society. Social preferences of fandom members can be described as: a life in small, internally stable and socially solidarycommunities which howevercan be part of some large empires. This communitycan be superior to its surroundings (warriors, mages, knights, “the chosen ones”).They prefer materialmodesty, close connection with nature, reject industrialism and money-capitalist relations. They express a distrust of formal institutions and prefer an organization of society based on natural authorities and friendly relations. As regards a formalized legal system, they ignore and even condemn it as complex, unfair, too professionalized etc. Emphasis is put on natural justice and wisdom of informal authorities. An ideal world in fantasyliterature does not experience socio-political changes or progress. It is a stable world with inherited forms of social organization.

Keywords: fantasy; literature; legal systems; fandom; morality

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