Implementation of the Rights of Prisoners and Convicted Persons in the Period of the Russian Aggression against Ukraine
Maryna Yu. Holovatenko
Daria Kibets
2022/ No 2
Digital edition
15.00 €

Implementation of the Rights of Prisoners and Convicted Persons
in the Period of the Russian Aggression against Ukraine

Maryna Yu. Holovatenko

Lecturer and a Ph.D. candidate,
Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, National Aviation University;

Daria V. Kibets

Senior Lecturer and Ph.D. in Law,
Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, National Aviation University;

Society’s attitude towards vulnerable groups is an indicator of respect for human rights in general. Prisoners and convicted persons are one of such population groups in each country. The full-scale war launched by Russia on February 24, 2022 opens up new dimensions in the issue of the rights of prisoners and convicts in Ukraine. Thus, with the beginning of the war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, some of the most vulnerable state institutions found themselves in a particularly dangerous situation. These are, in particular, institutions for the execution of punishments, namely correctional colonies, in which convicts are kept, and pre-trial detention centers, in which there are persons for whom a security measure in the form of detention is chosen.

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