Impact of Turkey’s Membership Process to the European Union on the Legal System
Tülay Yildirim Mat
Ermağan İsmail
2019/ No.1
Digital edition
10.00 €

Impact of Turkey’s Membership Process to the European Union
on the Legal System

Tülay Yıldırım Mat

Asst. Prof. Dr., İstanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Law

İsmail Ermağan

Assoc. Prof. Dr., İstanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Europeanization has brought about radical changes to the legal system of all European Union (EU) Member States and candidate states. Many prerequisites of a constitutional state have been fulfilled or developed due to the reforms made in domestic law from the Helsinki Summit until today in the course of Turkey’s membership to the EU, thus a great conversion took place in the constitutional state. Besides, Turkey is undergoing a serious transformation to comply with European standards in terms of democracy, demilitarization and human rights. In this study, the aim is to emphasize the effects of the reforms, which were carried out in domestic law from the Helsinki Summit until today during the membership process of Turkey to the EU, on the constitutional state.

* This article is based on a presentation at the International Conference held on May 10-11, 2018 on the theme Democracy and Law in European Integration and in International Relations.

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