Human Rights Due Diligence in Europe and its Potential for Ukraine’s Recovery
Alevtyna Sanchenko
2022/ No 2
Digital edition
15.00 €

Human Rights Due Diligence in Europe and its Potential for Ukraine’s Recovery

Alevtyna Sanchenko

Ph.D. in Law, Senior Researcher, Chief of the Centre for Advanced Studies and Cooperation on Human Rights in Economics, Leading Research Scientist, State Organisation “Valentyn Mamutov Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”; ORCID ID:

The article considers the current development of the human rights due diligence approach expected from business entities in their operations as outlined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and conditioned by the UN 2030 Agenda. It reveals the content of this approach and illustrates its dynamic integration into various European and global standards, rules and law in divergent fields. The article argues the expediency and timeliness of enrichment of Ukraine’s policy and law, regulating the business and human rights area, with the human rights due diligence provisions. The war context, existing international commitments and evolving international status of Ukraine as an EU candidate member and an applicant for OECD accession, as well as the enhanced partnerships in support to Ukraine’s recovery create a sound background for human rights due diligence application in Ukraine to advance its reconstruction targeted at sustainable economic growth and people’s welfare.

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