Current Challenges in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic in Asylum Cases
Elena Berthotyová
2024/ No. 1
Digital edition
10.00 €

Current Challenges in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic in Asylum Cases

Elena Berthotyová

JUDr., PhD., Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic

The author in this article selects and presents 7 asylum cases published in the Collection of Decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic. They concern the refusal to join the basic military service, imputed political opinions, a certain social group, information about the country of origin, prospective assessment of the reasonableness of the fear of persecution, assessment of the existence of serious injustice when deciding on the granting of subsidiary protection. She also points to the impact of the refugee waves on the number of asylum seekers from a statistical perspective and to the refugee wave from Ukraine as a result of Russia’s military aggression.

Keywords: Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic; asylum cases; Ukraine

*This paper is based on the author’s paper “Current Challenges in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic in Asylum Cases” published in: Žurnál Správneho Súdnictva, 1/2023, and is herein published with permission.

** The author’s experience in dealing with the asylum agenda dates back to 2003, when she started working as a judge of the Regional Court in Bratislava. Her internship in the Netherlands gave her the opportunity to see the entire asylum process. She also worked on the asylum agenda at the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic from 2005 to 2021. At the Supreme Administrative Court of the Slovak Republic, established with effect from 1 January 2021 with the commencement of its activities from 1 August 2021, she acts as the managing chair of one of the chambers specialising in the asylum agenda.

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