New Release
ERPL Annual Subscription for 2024 -
ERPL Annual Subscription for 2024
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) was created as an international organization with headquarters in Athens, Greece, with suitable governance, full international legal personality and status, upon the initiative of the Hellenic Republic, by the "Agreement for the Establishment and Statute of the European Public Law Organization", signed by several powers on 27 October 2004.
Τhe EPLO Publications comprise journals, series and stand-alone publications dealing with topical issues of public law. The European Review of Public Law as well as the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies are included in EBSCO’s Legal Source database - as Academic Journals. The European Politeia is found on EBSCO’s Academic Search Ultimate database - as an Academic Journal.
The Subscription option is a product allowing you to pre-order the issues of the year and receive them as soon as they are published (in one or two shippings). The ERPL issues are shipped for free as long as they are sent all together. If you wish to pre-order a subscription before it is fully published (indicated in the description of the page) please be aware that dispatching will be delayed and you will receive it when it is published.
Should you wish to subscribe as a librarian to any of our publications you can register via the e-shop and buy here online by choosing in the order form at the User Type tab the "Library" option...
For every purchase, as an Agent you will be granted a 10% discount. For this discount to be applied, specify your business nature as ”Agent/Bookseller” on the User Type box at the Checkout stage of the registration process...
For every purchase, as a Bookstore you will be granted a 10% discount. For this discount to be applied, specify your business nature as ”Agent/Bookseller” on the User Type box at the Checkout stage of the registration process...