Managerial Globalization - New Public Management. The Context of Educational Management and Leadership
Kostas Fassoulis
Dimitris Kalogiannis
2013/ No. 7
Print edition
30.00 €
20.00 €

No. 7, K. Fassoulis / D. Kalogiannis, "Managerial Globalization - New Public Management. The Context of Educational Management and Leadership"

This study by K. Fassoulis, Associate Professor at the University of Athens, and D. Kalogiannis, PhD Candidate, University of Athens, attempts to detect, record and analyze the ways globalization, and in particular its managerial dimension, influences national policies of public administration. It also seeks to uncover the rationale that permeates the changes in the administrative structure of education, to demonstrate the role of International Organizations, advisory networks and research groups in their diffusion, and to discern the new policy orientation for school leadership, its selection and training in the context of managerial global¬ization. The route of this study goes through the description and analysis of dominant discourse and influential position of the Anglo-Saxon paradigms both of New Public Management and Educational Management. The study concludes with the affirmation that education is being global¬ized while at the same time globalizes, among other things, educational leadership and its professional development.

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