Οι Μητροπολίτες Ναυπάκτου & Άρτης Ιγνάτιος και Λευκάδος & Αγίας Μαύρας Παρθένιος Β΄: Δύο δυναμικοί εκκλησιαστικοί ηγέτες στην άμυνα της Λευκάδας (1807)
Αρχιμ. Ιωαννίκιος Ζαμπέλης
Δρ Νομικής – Θεολόγος, Ιεροκήρυκας Ιεράς Μητροπόλεως Λευκάδος και Ιθάκης
Metropolitans Ignatios of Nafpaktos & Arta and Parthenios II of Lefkas & Santa Maura: Two dynamic ecclesiastical leaders in the defence of Lefkas (1807)
In 1807, the young Corfiot politician Ioannis Kapodistrias arrived in Lefkas as the Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of the “Senate” (government) of the “Septinsular Republic” in order to organise the defence of this island against the warlike Ali Pasha of Ioannina. Among those who cooperated with him in the fulfillment of his mission were two dynamic Hierarchs who had already demonstrated a notewhorthy route. The one was the local Metropolitan, Parthenios II (Konidaris) of Lefkas and Santa Maura, who was touring around the entire island and urging the local residents, his spiritual flock, to contribute to the defense of their homeland by offering their personal labour for the construction of defensive fortifications as well as by fighting in arms. The other one was Ignatios (Bambalos), Metropolitan of Naupaktos and Arta, a fugitive from the threatening authority of Ali, who was in contact with Greek rebels called “kleftes” (thieves) and “armatoles” from the nearby Continent. He invited them to defend the threatened island and participate in the meeting, which took place at the location of “Magemeno” (in a probably ecclesiastical field) in July of the same year. It was the first time after Constantinople’s Fall that powers from all over the Greek nation collaborated, in order to vindicate the freedom of a tiny part of the great Motherland. The still existing correspondence between the leaders who acted at those times recognizes and testifies to the essential role of the two Bishops. The clock of History had signified for the first time the “great hour” of Hellenism, which in a few years later would conquer again its Freedom. The Orthodox Church, through these two courageous ecclesiastical leaders, had for another time its own precious contribution to this defining moment of the Greek History.
Keywords: Lefkas; Greek Orthodox Church; Greek Revolution; meeting of “kleftes” (thieves) and “armatoles” at Magemenou; Ignatios of Nafpaktos and Arta; Parthenios II of Lefkas and Santa Maura; Ioannis Kapodistrias; Ali Pasha of Ioannina
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Λευκάδα, Ελληνορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, Ελληνική Επανάσταση, σύναξη κλεφταρματολών στου «Μαγεμένου», Ναυπάκτου και Άρτης Ιγνάτιος, Λευκάδος και Αγίας Μαύρας Παρθένιος Β΄, Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, Αλή Πασάς των Ιωαννίνων