Οι διεθνείς συμβάσεις εργασίας στην εθνική έννομη τάξη
Markos Karavias, The International Labour Conventions in the National Legal Order (in Greek), 2025, 140 pp., ISBN: 978-618-5417-16-1
International labour conventions constitute the spearhead of the legislative function of the International Labour Organization. They guarantee fundamental rights, promote social justice and set common standards for the regulation of labour relations across borders. International labour conventions fulfill an ever more critical role in an environment of economic globalisation, which generates competition among States with a view to luring foreign investment often at the cost of labour rights.
The effectiveness of international labour conventions and ultimately the fulfilment of the scope of international labour law hinges in principle on the incorporation and implementation of these conventions within the respective national legal orders of the Member States of the ILO.
This book endeavours to provide a holistic, critical look at the incorporation and implementation of international labour conventions in the Greek legal order. On the one hand, it surveys the challenges associated with the institutional process of the adoption of international labour conventions, as well as the solutions provided by the Greek constitution. On the other hand, it analyses the practice of Greek national authorities, with a specific focus on national case-law, as the key driving force behind the effective implementation of international labour conventions within Greek law. Ultimately, the book aspires to further the study of international labour law from a national perspective.