Ὅταν ὁ Schulenburg «συνάντησε» τὸν Adam
Σπύρος Χ. Καρύδης
Δρ Θεολογίας – Ἱστορικός, Καθηγητής Μέσης Ἐκπαιδεύσεως
When Schulenburg “met” Adam
Among the manuscripts preserved in the Historical and Ethnological Society of Greece is a poem dated 1842, on the subject of the “Dialogue” between the statues of Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg and Frederick Adam, located in the large square of Corfu. The work, which is published at the end of this study, apart from its literary value, which can be judged by experts, is remarkable for its content, since much of the information it incorporates overturns what we have hitherto known about the location and the time of the placement of the two statues in the great square of Corfu. Moreover, it allows us to trace the author’s attitude towards the British representative in the Ionian area, Commissioner Adam, which, undoubtedly reflected the general attitude or the reactions of part of the local population to colonial monuments and, by extension, to colonial rule. In our study we narrate the process of checking the accuracy of the information in the poem, by reviewing the literature and especially the available sources, but in this fascinating process we allow our gaze to embrace everything about these two statues, from their construction to their final placement in the place where they stand today and the reactions of the people.
Keywords: Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg; Frederick Adam; Andrea Zucchi; Antonio Corradini; Corfu; Venezia
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg, Frederick Adam, Andrea Zucchi, Antonio Corradini, Κέρκυρα, Βενετία