The United Nations: Is It still Relevant? - An International Law Perspective
Miguel de Serpa Soares
Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel
Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares focuses his remarks on the discourse about the crisis of the United Nations from an international law perspective at a time when the world is facing the most serious global peace and security crisis in decades. In affirming that the United Nations is still relevant and that International Law is also relevant, he raises three questions: Is the United Nations still the core framework “to maintain international peace and security”?; Is the United Nations still the place to defend “the principles of justice and international law”?; and Where are we regarding compliance with international law?
* Speech given by Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel Mr. M. de Serpa Soares at Humboldt University, Berlin, on 17 May 2022, available at the UN website (https://www.un.org/ola/sites/www.un.org.ola/files/documents/2022/05/17052022_mss-speech-humboldt-uni.pdf). It is published in the European Review of Public Law (ERPL) with permission. The Copyright stays with the United Nations.