N. Giantsi / S. Flogaitis (edited by / sous la direction de)
The Presence and Contribution of the (Eastern) Roman Empire in the Formation of Europe /
La présence et la contribution de l’Empire romain (d’Orient) à la formation de l’Europe
In this EPLS volume are published the proceedings of a colloquium, organized in Athens from the 18th to the 19th of April 2013, by the European Public Law Organization, on the subject “The Presence and Contribution of the (Eastern) Roman Empire in the Formation of Europe”. The colloquium was organized with the kind support of the Ecole française d’Athènes and the Hellenic Bank Association.
It was prepared under the supervision of a Scientific Committee composed of Chryssa Maltezou, Member of the Academy of Athens, Konstantinos Svolopoulos, Member of the Academy of Athens, Panagiotis Vokotopoulos, Member of the Academy of Athens, Spyridon Flogaitis, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens and Director of the EPLO, and Nikoletta Giantsi, Professor at the Faculty of History and Archeology of the University of Athens.
The book follows the different thematics of the colloquium which were: “The Model of Power”, “Oikoumene: New Frontiers - A Novel Way of Acquaintance and Interaction”, “The World of Ideas”. It also includes the speeches delivered in the context of the Roundtable discussion on “Discovering Historicism in the Administration of Justice” as well as the General Conclusions drawn at the end of the colloquium.