Fouskas, Theodoros (Ed.) (2021). Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance (Foreword by Giovanna Campani), European Public Law Series / Bibliothèque de Droit Public Européen, vol. CXXIV, European Public Law Organization (EPLO), Athens, 860 pp., 2021, ISSN: 2308-8648, ISBN: 978-618-5417-10-9 (SET), ISBN: 978-618-5417-11-6 (A)
Global governance is particularly concerned about migration and asylum issues. Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance offers a comprehensive and cutting-edge analysis of international migration and asylum research and studies under multi-disciplinary approaches. The contributors are leading scholars, academics and researchers, practitioners, policymakers and experts in the field of Immigration and Refugee Studies, who provide understandings on issues and direct their focus to future key issues in national and global governance, research and policy. The Handbook is structured into six central sectors:
- Theoretical approaches and contextualisation of migration and asylum issues.
- Migration and refugee reception, border and management policies and governance.
- Migrant and refugee experiences, forced migration and displacement, precarity and vulnerability.
- Irregular migration and migrant smuggling.
- Human rights, social justice and discrimination.
- Collectivities and solidarity.
The Handbook addresses a global challenge: how to interpret and manage the flows of refugees and different types of migrants, safeguard their access to and protection of their rights and address issues of migrant and refugee integration policy. This innovative Handbook responds to the need for a better understanding of migration and asylum, utilising contemporary information from a broad range of disciplines. Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: A. An International Handbook on Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance provides an overview on the different aspects worldwide, being a useful source for novice but also experienced readers, students and professionals working on migration and asylum.
Editor and Contributors
Giovanna Campani, Foreword
1. Theodoros Fouskas, Introduction: Seeking Hope and Safety in the midst of Multiple Global Crises
2. Saskia Sassen, A Massive Loss of Habitat: New Drivers for Migration
3. Bridget Anderson, “Let Language Not Betray Us”: The Mediterranean and Modern Slavery
4. Giovanna Campani / Zoran Lapov, Migration Crisis, Refugee Crisis, European Crisis
5. Hannah Cross, Europe’s Migration Regime: Why a Radical Approach is Necessary and Possible
6. Alex Sager, The Uses and Abuses of “Migrant Crisis”
7. Karijn Nijhoff, Footloose, Nomadic, Drifting, or Liquid: The Marginal Man in 2015
8. Thomas Nail, A Tale of Two Crises: Migration and Terrorism after the Paris Attacks
9. Christopher Kyriakides / Arthur McLuhan / Karen Anderson / Lubna Bajjali / Noheir Elgendy, Building Trust in the Third Space of Refugee Reception
10. Alessio D’Angelo, Refugees’ Reception in Italy: Past and Present of a Humanitarian Crisis
11. Polly Pallister-Wilkins / Julia Smeekes, The Dutch Border Security Team in Chios and the Intensification, Diversification and Deepening of Border Policing
12. Yarin Eski, Policing Stowaways: Realities and Attitudes of Frontline Port Police Officers, Customs Officers and Security Officers
13. Chiara Marchetti / Michela Franceschelli, Social Integration or Emergency? The Italian Reception System for Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees
14. Ana López-Sala / Dirk Godenau, Non-state Actors and the Outsourcing of Migration Control in Spain
15. Grant Mitchell, Reforming Immigration Detention? Sustaining Progressive Change in Immigration Detention Law and Practice
16. Bernd Parusel, Sweden’s Response to the Refugee Crisis in 2015: A Failing “Humanitarian Superpower”?
17. Anna Mratschkowski / Juliana Witkowski, Dynamics of Asylum- and Refugee-related Cooperation Networks in Mediterranean Countries
18. Vassilis Hatzopoulos / Mary Anagnou, The “Dublin System”: Crisis-responsive, Crisis-resistant
or in Perpetual Crisis?
19. Leisy J. Abrego, Central American Refugees to the United States from the 1980s to the Present
20. Assaf Dahdah / Kamel Doraï, Camps vs. Self-settled Refugees? A Comparative Analysis of Syrian Refugees’ Settlement in Jordan and Lebanon
21. Georgios O. Tsobanoglou / Ioanna Giannopoulou, Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in Greece
22. Bianca Gonzalez-Sobrino, Citizens or Immigrants: The Case of Puerto Ricans during the Times of Crisis
23. Patricia Landolt, Immigration, Precarious Non-citizenship, and the Changing Landscape of Work
24. Ayman Zohry, Migrants and Refugees in Times of Crisis: The Case of Egypt
25. Brenda Araceli Bustos García / María Luisa Martínez Sánchez, Disability in Necropolitical Contexts: Experiences of Migrants in Mexico
26. Manos Spyridakis / Michalis Christodoulou / Eleni Giannakopoulou, Intergenerational Transformations of Vulnerability: Life Trajectories of Albanian Migrants in Athens
27. Peter O’Brien, Irregular Migration in Europe: Inclusive Exclusion
28. Gabriella Sanchez, Coyotes, Migrants, Terrorists and Narcos: Migrant Smuggling Narratives on the US-Mexico Border and the Data that Counters Them
29. Vanessa Stout, ‘In the Streets Where I Live’ - The Nigerian Experience with Racism and Discrimination in Dublin’s Cityspace
30. Maria João Guia / May-Len Skilbrei, Justice Gaps for Female Migrants
31. Henry Lee Allen, Social Justice, Police Shootings, and Abusive Social Encounters with Unarmed African Americans
32. Aziz Choudry† / Mostafa Henaway / Manuel Salamanca Cardona, Organizing Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Quebec
33. Sotiris Chtouris / DeMond S. Miller, Pity, Justice, or Solidarity in the Light of the Current Refugee Crisis
34. Theodoros Fouskas, Solidarity versus Hostility: Pro-migrant and Anti-migrant Citizen Mobilizations in Greece since 2015