Comparative Study on Anti-Corruption Systems and Public Administration in the EU Member States / Etude comparative de systèmes anticorruption et administration publique aux Etats membres de l’UE
Spyridon Flogaitis
Konstantinos Tsimaras
Eleftheria Neframi
V. E. Christou
A. Felisa
P. Fernández Sánchez
J. Ma A. Magán Perales
2009/ Vol. XCVI
Print edition
50.00 €

Vol. XCVI, Konstantinos Tsimaras (ed.), “Comparative Study on Anti-Corruption Systems and Public Administration in the EU Member States / Etude comparative de systèmes anticorruption et administration publique aux Etats membres de l’UE”


In the course of the last years, corruption has become an important sub­ject in the political and economic debates, and it is now evident that it is abso­lutely imperative to take measures to combat this phe­nomenon. This book analyses the international trends and the national solutions aimed at preventing corruption and promoting integrity in the public sector. This work consists of a dialogue on the policies to adopt in the fight against corrup­tion. By effectively combating na­tional corruption, countries improve the global context of cases and re­duce the risk of corruption of their officials by foreign enterprises and individuals. The texts published herein present the institutional ar­senal for combating corruption and also some proposals for improv­ing the efficiency of the fight against it. The institutional system against corruption in a group of various European countries, such as France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United King­­dom is presented.




K. TSIMARAS, Introduction
E. NEFRAMI, Le contrôle non juridictionnel de l’administration en France


V. E. CHRISTOU, Mechanisms and Entities of Control of the Administration in German Law


K. TSIMARAS, Quelques propositions pour combattre la corruption et la mauvaise administration en Grèce


A. FELISA, Administration Control Mechanisms: The Italian Case


P. FERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, The Portuguese System for Monitoring and Assuring Transparency in Public Administration


J. Ma A. MAGÁN PERALES, Mechanisms of Control against Corruption of Public Administration: The Situation in Spain


A. POTTAKIS, Public Administration Standards in the UK


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