Le droit Public en Belgique: Vingt ans Apres
Robert Andersen
Francis Delperee
F. Dopagne
D. De Roy
T. Bombois
K. Wauters
H. Simonart
2012/ Vol. CV
Print edition
50.00 €

R. Andersen (sous la direction de), “Le droit public en Belgique: Vingt ans après”


This is a work elaborated within the framework of a series of country books prepared on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the European Group of Public Law, depicting the evolution of Public Law in countries represented in the EGPL. With this series, the EGPL wishes to offer each country represented within it, the opportunity to present what its nationals members of the Group consider to be the most significant transformations or innovations that have taken place in their national legal system in the past 20 years, from both an empirical and a doctrinal perspective.


This publication, edited by Prof. R. Andersen, President of the Belgian Conseil d’Etat, who also contributes with a paper on “La justice administrative à la croisée des chemins”, encompasses 7 studies written by eminent Belgian scholars and deals not only with Belgian public law during the last twenty years but also with its present and future.





F. DELPEREE, Bref message sur l’état de l’Union


F. DOPAGNE, La Belgique fédérale dans l’Europe de Lisbonne


D. DE ROY, L’évolution du profil de l’administration en Belgique (1991-2011)


TH. BOMBOIS, Considérations sur l’avenir des communes et de la Région capitale


K. WAUTERS, Contractualisation et régulation: quelques avancées des vingt dernières années


H. SIMONART, De l’obligation pour les pouvoirs publics de “justifier” leurs actes unilatéraux


R. ANDERSEN, La justice administrative à la croisée des chemins


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