Rights across Borders: Citizenship and Immigration in Europe - General Conclusions
Luis María Díez Picazo
2017/ Vol. 29, No. 1, (103)
Digital edition
5.00 €

Rights across Borders:
Citizenship and Immigration in Europe

General Conclusions

Luis María Díez-Picazo

President of the 3rd Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court

These General Conclusions point at some of the various questions that were debated: the relationship between nationality and citizenship, the different levels of moral duty and the spheres of solidarity, cultural homogeneity as a precondition for democracy.

Ces Conclusions générales concernent certaines des questions diverses qui ont été débattues: la relation entre nationalité et citoyenneté, les différents niveaux de devoir moral et les sphères de solidarité, l’homogénéité culturelle en tant que prérequis pour la démocratie.

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