Right to Personal Liberty v. “Administrative Detention”? - The Case of Immigrants under Turkish Administrative Law
Nilay Arat
2017/ Vol. 29, No. 1, (103)
Digital edition
5.00 €

Right to Personal Liberty v. “Administrative Detention”?

The Case of Immigrants under Turkish Administrative Law

Nilay Arat

Dr., Asst. Professor, Kadir Has University Faculty of Law

Although having a long tradition of receiving immigrants, due to the political turmoil in the Middle East, immigration has been a rising problem in the last decade in Turkey. As such phenomenon has wide impacts in Turkey in parallel with political and social effects, the legal framework needs to be reconsidered. In that sense, the hotly debated issue of the legal regime of “administrative detention” of immigrants under Turkish Law is set forth.

Malgré une longue tradition d’accueil de migrants due aux remous politiques au Moyen Orient, l’immigration est devenue un problème croissant aux cours des dix dernières années en Turquie. Etant donné que ce phénomène a de larges répercussions en Turquie, parallèlement aux effets politiques et sociaux, le cadre juridique doit être reconsidéré. En ce sens, un débat animé sur le régime juridique de la “détention administrative” des immigrants en droit turc est lancé.

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