Re-codification of the Administrative Procedure in the Czech Republic
Richard Pomahač
2007/ Vol. 19, No. 3, (65)
Digital edition
5.00 €

Re-codification of the Administrative Procedure
in the Czech Republic

Richard Pomahac

Associated professor of public administration and public law at Charles Univer­sity Prague


This paper describes some features of the new Czech Code of Administrative Pro­ce­dure which became effective on 1st January 2006. This Code is a more compre­hen­sive legislative act in comparison with its predecessors from the years 1928, 1955, 1960, 1967. It is the first Czech Administrative Code influenced by demands of the European administrative space. The Code deals not only with procedural pro­visions, but also in some respects with substantive rules of administrative law. Special atten­tion is paid to standards of administrative proceed­ings, to regulation of public con­tracts, and to provisions on general administrative acts.

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