La constitutionnalité du programme de consolidation financière pour la Grèce
Xénophon Yataganas
Ex Conseiller Juridique de la Commission Européenne
Anastassios Banos
Membre du Conseil Juridique de l'Etat
This article deals with the legality of the Greek program of financial consolidation, widely known as the Greek memorandum. After a description of the legal texts composing the memoranda, their conformity is examined in relation with national, international and European law. Particular developments are devoted to the ratification of the memoranda and their transfer into the Greek legal order. Some other issues are also treated, as the applicable law, the proportionality principle, the exceptional circumstances and the treatment of these problems by the Council of State. Finally, a reflection is dedicated to the possible influence of the memoranda on the evolution of the European Union's law. The article concludes in favor of the conformity of the memoranda to the Greek Constitution and the internal legal order.