Judicial and Political Power - Where is the Dividing Line? A Praise for Judicialization and for Judicial Restraint
Mario P. Chiti
2015/ Vol. 27, no. 1, (95)
Digital edition
10.00 €

Judicial and Political Power - Where is the Dividing Line?

A Praise for Judicialization and for Judicial Restraint

Mario P. Chiti

Professor at the Università degli Studi di Firenze

Over the past years the role of judges has been expanding worldwide, even on constitutional and political issues. This development is highly debatable, but the paper considers it as inevitable in any jurisdiction: national, supranational and international. Judicialization is also the main consequence of a new cosmopolitan legalism. However there remain some relevant peculiarities of the different judges, and ambiguities of the international courts. In any case, it is excessive to speak of a “Rule of Judges” or of a “Juristocracy”. The paper concludes that the judges should use their wide powers with a wise moderation.

Au cours des années passées, le rôle des juges s’est étendu dans le monde, y compris en matière constitutionnelle et politique. Ce développement est hautement discutable, mais le rapport le considère comme inéluctable dans toute juridiction, nationale, supranationale et internationale. La juridicisation est aussi la conséquence principale d’un nouveau légalisme cosmopolite. Il subsiste cependant des singularités importantes des différents juges et des ambiguïtés des cours internationales. En tout cas, il est excessif de parler de “gouvernement des juges” ou de “juristocratie”. Le rapport conclut que les juges devraient user de leurs larges pouvoirs avec une sage modération.

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