The Foreign Schools in Greece
to the Study of the Legal-Institutional Framework
of their Organisational Structure and Operation
Assistant Professor at the University of Athens
This paper mainly examines: a) the ideological and social reasons which imposed the voting of Law 4862/1931 “About foreign schools”, b) the consequences of the above Law on the educational activity of foreign schools in the course of time and c) the educational and ideological characteristics of the foreign schools operating today in Greece. By this research results that: a) the private education and the foreign schools in Greece, during the period between 1834 -1927, initially enjoy full legislative and then constitutional freedom of foundation and operation b) Law 4862/1931 “About foreign schools” constitutes the first institutional framework which sets limitations on their operation and is distinguished by its ideological characteristics. In the seventy-seven years which have intervened since the voting of the Law 4862/1931 until today, there has not been any legislative initiative about the improvement or the change of the institutional legal framework of the organisational structure and operation of the foreign schools, although the educational and ideological characteristics of foreign schools have changed and hence, it does not meet their contemporary educational and functional needs, and has become, up to a point, inactive.