Professor of International Economic Law at the Panteion University of Athens.
He also has teaching assignments at the Izmir University of Economics,
the Europa-Institut of the Saarland University, the Europa-Institut of the University of Zurich,
and the Law Faculty of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
The author wishes to thank Anastasia Theodosi for research assistance
and Dimitri Vovolinis for valuable comments.
The present paper provides an introduction to the topic of financial inclusion (and exclusion). More in particular it examines the concepts and main characteristics of financial inclusion referring to its definition and content, to the typical indicators for its measurement as well as to the causes of financial exclusion. Furthermore, the paper examines the policy aspects related to financial inclusion, and in this context, it deals with the interaction of financial inclusion with monetary policy, financial stability and anti-money laundering/terrorist financing preventive measures. Moreover, the correlation between financial literacy and financial inclusion is analysed whereas also the link between technology and financial inclusion is also briefly presented.
Le présent travail fournit une introduction concernant l'inclusion (et l'exclusion) financière. Plus particulièrement, il examine les concepts et les principales caractéristiques de l'inclusion financière en se référant à sa définition et à son contenu, aux indicateurs habituels qui permettent de la mesurer ainsi qu'aux causes de l'exclusion financière. En outre, le travail examine les aspects politiques liés à l'inclusion financière et, dans ce contexte, il traite de l'interaction de l'inclusion financière avec la politique monétaire, la stabilité financière et les mesures préventives contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme. De plus, il analyse la corrélation entre l'éducation financière et l'inclusion financière et présente brièvement le lien entre technologie et inclusion financière.