Towards a New Conception of European Security
Luis Ortega
2008/ Vol. 20, No. 1, (67)
Digital edition
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Towards a New Conception of European Security

Luis Ortega

Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha

 This paper proposes a concept of integral European security that shows its juridi­cal, institutional and functional complexity, and requires to act on the institutional framework, which appears too formal and compartmentalised; to prevent that the Euro­peanisation of the security area does not attenuate the requirements of civil guarantees that correspond with the rules of the concept of the constitutional State that presides at the European legal system and at its Member States; and to achieve a regulation, partly common, for all the implied actors, since the ambivalence of the instruments that can act separated or together in an integral security policy (armed forces, intelligence services, security police, frontiers police, judiciary, civil, environmental or sanitary defence), presents an excessively differentiated ju­ridical regime, regarding especially the existing prerogatives of public law in the le­gal system to legitimise its action.

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