Policemen, Soldiers and Secret Services - A Look at the Situation in Spain and Europe
Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Nuria Garrido Cuenca
2008/ Vol. 20, No. 1, (67)
Digital edition
5.00 €

Policemen, Soldiers and Secret Services -
A Look at the Situation in Spain and Europe

Luis Arroyo Jiménez / Nuria Garrido Cuenca

Professors of Administrative Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

 It is well known that security challenges have dramatically changed in modern so­cieties during the last few decades. And this also has an effect on the way in which public bodies respond to these threats. This paper deals with different topics re­lated to European security, in terms of the interest they hold as elements of com­parison. First of all, three general problems of EU and EC action in security mat­ters are studied: the present situation of complexity and incoherence, the scope and limits of judicial review of EU action in security matters and the democratic le­gitimacy of EU security policies. The system of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters is then faced, and the different models of organisation which are being developed in the EU are studied. Finally, some new trends related to specific security issues both at national and European level are discussed: the intervention of Armed Forces inside national territory, on the one hand, and the proposals re­lated to the reform of the European intelligence services, on the other.

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