Introduction to Competition and State Aid Law of the European Union / Introduction au droit européen en matière de concurrence et d’aides étatiques
A. P. Mantzoros
L. Iordanova
M. Atanasova
E. Mateeva
R. Král
Richard Pomahač
S. Dudzik
M. Kozuch
A. Malarz
A. Matan
M. Nawrocka
T. Oglodek
N. Półtorak
A. Sołtys
G. Szpor
D. Marinescu
M. Tomescu
Ľudmila Malíková
J. Bucek
Maria Patakyová
1998/ Vol. I
Print edition
60.00 €

Volume I, “Introduction to Competition and State Aid Law of the European Union / Introduction au droit européen en matière de concurrence et d’aides étatiques”

271 pp., 1998, 60,98 €, ISBN: 960-86151-1-9


Volume I appeared under the bilingual title “Introduction to Competition and State Aid Law of the European Union / Introduction au droit européen en matière de concurrence et d’aides étatiques”. In this edition were published articles written in English or French by nineteen academics coming from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic, all having participated in a training seminar entitled Training of Academics from CEEC in Competition Law and State Aid Policy, organised by the ECPL within the EC’s Phare programmes.

The articles presented in this edition are the direct result of a Phare pro­gramme entitled Training of Academics from CEEC in Competition Law and State Aid Policy whose aim was to increase the awareness of compe­tition policy with a wider public of economic operators. The rationale be­hind this particular Phare programme was the idea that academics from Central and Eastern European countries could be one of the catalysts for improving this awareness. The articles included herein are the works of nineteen Central and Eastern European academics who took part in an intensive training seminar devised and executed by the European Public Law Cen­ter (now European Public Law Organization), on EC competition policy and state aid, and are the result of compara­tive studies on the common competition rules and how they are reconciled with the laws on competition as perceived in Bulgaria, the Czech Repub­lic, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.




Α. MANTZOROS, Introduction
L. IORDANOVA / M. ATANASOVA, Administrative and Court Proceedings in Connection with Violations of the Law on Protection of Competition
E. MATEEVA, The Approach of the Bulgarian Commission on Protection of Competition to the Legal Definitions of “Monopoly Position” and “Abuse of Monopoly Position” under the Law on Protection of Competition
R. KRÁL / R. POMAHAČ, Competition Law: A Czech Case
S. DUDZIK, The Concept of “Concentration of Undertakings” in Regulation 4064/89 of the Council of the European Communities and Polish Anti-Monopoly Law
M. KOZUCH, Misleading Advertising as an Act of Unfair Competition in Polish Law. Reflections on Council Directive 84/450 relating to the Approximation of the Laws, Regulations, and Administrative Provisions of the Member States concerning Misleading Advertising
A. MALARZ, Consumer Protection in Polish Antimonopoly Law
A. MATAN, Personal Aspects of Competition Protection in the Polish Legislation
M. NAWROCKA, La règle de la raison. L’interdiction des accords de monopole et ses exceptions
T. OGLODEK, The Polish Procedure in Cases on Counteracting Monopolistic Practices
N. PÓLTORAK, Polish Regulation of Agreements Subject to Block Exemptions in EC Law
A. SOŁTYS, The Notion of Anticompetitive Concentration in the Law of the European Community and the Republic of Poland
G. SZPOR, The Polish System of Competition Law Sources, Organs, Juridication of the Flow of Information
D. MARINESCU / M. TOMESCU, 1996 Romanian Competition Law
L. MALIKOVA / J. BUCEK, Case Studies in Corporate Merger and Privatization: Slovak Law and Practice
M. PATAKYOVA, The Legal Regulation of Protection of the Economic Competition in the Slovak Republic





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