Intégration européenne et Etats-nations: Contraintes et opportunités à la lumière des attentes des citoyens
C. A. Stephanou
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Intégration européenne et Etats-nations:

Contraintes et opportunités à la lumière des attentes des citoyens

Constantin Stephanou

Professeur émérite à l’Université Panteion d’Athènes

Public support for the European integration process, often referred to as output legitimacy, has traditionally been associated with its contribution to the security and well-being of affected citizens. Institutional reforms aimed at enhancing input legitimacy and democratic contestation have led to the emergence of political forces which are hostile to the European project and its institutional underpinnings. More importantly, however, the capacity of the EU and governing elites to deal effectively with the current challenges, whether internal or external, is put into question by both opponents and supporters of the European project. Our contribution looks at the challenges and responses, with special reference to the decline of global governance and its consequences for the European Union. Will citizens support a more assertive and protective Union or will they seek salvation in their respective nation-states?

* Le présent article est une publication préliminaire du rapport présenté lors du 24ème COLLOQUE GRET, Marrakech, 12-13/4/2019, sur le thème général “Prospective géopolitique et destin des nations”.

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