Global Administrative Order: Albania
Migena Leskoviku
Besnik Maho
2011/ Vol. 23, No. 1, (79)
Digital edition
10.00 €

Global Administrative Order


Migena Leskoviku

Dr., Dean of the Law Faculty, European University of Tirana, Albania

Besnik Maho

Mag., Lecturer at the Law Faculty, European University of Tirana, Albania


Recent developments in international law are welcomed as indicating the begin­ning of the age of global rule of law. Among these developments is the emerging Global Administrative Law. The regulatory bodies subject to the new global ad­ministrative law fall into two basic categories: international or transnational public and private bodies on the one hand, and domestic administrative bodies whose de­cisions have significant external regulatory impacts on the other. This global trend had its impact on the domestic regulatory framework and practice in Albania, as well. The consequences of worldwide economic integration, trans-boundary envi­ron­mental spillovers, cross-border movements of populations, and other phenom­ena of globalization can no longer be effectively managed by separate national regulatory and administrative measures. In response, many different systems of in­ter­national and transnational regulation or regulatory cooperation have been es­tab­lished by states, international organizations, domestic administrative officials, and multinational businesses and NGOs, producing a wide variety of global regu­latory regimes. The recent developments lead us to define global administrative law as com­prising the mechanisms, principles, practices, and supporting social under­stand­ings that promote or otherwise affect the accountability of global adminis­tra­tive bodies, in particular by ensuring they meet adequate standards of transpar­ency, participation, reasoned decision-making, and legality, and by providing ef­fective review of the rules and decisions they make.

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