European Security: Romania
Ani Matei
Madalina Cocosatu
Ioan Toderasc
2008/ Vol. 20, No. 1, (67)
Digital edition
5.00 €

European Security: Romania

Ani Matei

Coordinator, Professor at the Faculty of Public Administration,
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration

Madalina Cocosatu

Lecturer at the Faculty of Public Administration,
National School of Political Studies and Public Administration

Ioan Toderasc

Doctoral student, Faculty of Public Administration,
National School of Po­litical Studies and Public Administration 

Problem-solving in global security confirms the fact that security and stability could be only the result of multilateral cooperation, valorizing the dialogue within an institutionalized framework, activating the states’ and international organiza­tions’ decisive role. The changes in the strategic environment of security, charac­terized by major shifts and an outstanding dynamics, several events, challenges and risks generating conflicts and crises represent key elements for a thorough analysis and redefinition of the visions on security and defense problems. Roma­nia, whose security and defense depend on the European ones and who acceded to the system of democratic values of the Euro-Atlantic space, is concerned with in­creasing its capacity for designing security and also enhancing the cooperation between Romanian and European authorities. Romania’s security is closely linked to Europe’s security as a whole, demonstrating the fact that common values and interests could ensure a free, democratic and peaceful development of all nations.

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