A Voice for Europe in the Mediterranean
Challenges and Opportunities
Europe’s engagement in the Mediterranean is central to its foreign and security policy. A prosperous, democratic, stable and secure Mediterranean region is in the best interests of the EU. Europe’s voice would be strengthened if, within the outer ring represented by the Barcelona Process and the Union for the Mediterranean, one could fashion existing Mediterranean fora such as 5+5, FOROMED, and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean into an architecture of concentric circles, with the Mediterranean European countries representing a vanguard group. The Mediterranean Member States of the European Union, the Olive Group, represent the best conduit of European Policy towards its southern neighbours. The EU needs to address effectively Mediterranean issues: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; illegal immigration; fundamentalism, terrorism and intolerance; expansion towards the Western Balkans. The voice of Europe in the Mediterranean must be “an extreme voice for moderation” engaging with the Arab World in the European Union-League of Arab States Ministerial Meeting first instituted in Malta in February 2008. The EU should maximise on its resources by utilising its Mediterranean Member States as positive delivery agents for European diplomacy and public goods in the region that they know best.