A View from Ukraine: Challenges to International Law and Legal Order
Olena Kyyivets
Yuliya Movchan
2015/ Vol. 27, no. 1, (95)
Digital edition
10.00 €

A View from Ukraine: Challenges to International Law and Legal Order

Olena Kyyivets

LL.D in International Law, Professor, Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Yuliya Movchan

PhD in International Law, Senior Scholar, Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

This country report is focused on laws of Ukraine, international organizations’ acts and international case law analyses in connection with the situation and the challenges faced by Ukraine since the end of 2013 to 2014. It illustrates some implications of the situation in Ukraine on the international legal order as well as raises some vital topics of international law and puts forward an issue of further development of the international community under the current United Nations and international system on the whole.

Ce rapport national se concentre sur l’analyse des lois de l’Ukraine, des actes des organisations internationales et de la jurisprudence internationale liés à la situation et les défis auxquels fait face l’Ukraine pendant la période de la fin de l’année 2013 jusqu’en 2014. Il illustre certaines implications de la situation en Ukraine sur l’ordre juridique international, il soulève des questions importantes de droit international et il avance la question d’approfondir sur le développement de la communauté internationale sous le système des Nations Unies ainsi que le système international dans son ensemble.

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