La biblioteca di un avvocato Corfiota, Altavilla Calichiopulo (1673-1701)
Panajota Tzivara
Silvia Gasparini
2024/ 1
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15.00 €

La biblioteca di un avvocato Corfiota, Altavilla Calichiopulo (1673-1701)

Panajota Tzivara

Professoressa associata, Università Democrito della Tracia

Silvia Gasparini

Ricercatrice confermata a tempo indeterminato, Università degli Studi di Padova

The Library of a Corfiot Lawyer, Altavilla Calichiopulo (1673-1701)

Altavilla Calichiopulo, a Corfiot nobleman, belonged to one of the oldest families on the island. He studied at the University of Padua and practiced as a lawyer in Corfu. He was the owner of a rich book collection: this was not merely a “professional library”, but gathered philological, theological, philosophical and, of course, legal books. The latter in particular offer a rare view on the legal tools of a practising attorney in the Venetian Stato da Mar. It includes a selection of the major authors of traditional comments to ius commune, both civil and criminal, but also works adopting the historical methods introduced during the Renaissance. A number of books, moreover, pertain to the idiosyncratic Venetian legal system. Such a diverse assembly of legal literature offered its owner a wide choice of solutions and quotations, useful in defending cases in Corfu, where jurisdiction applied often incomplete and uncertain legal rules.

Keywords: Corfu; legal culture; jurisdiction; Stato da Mar; private libraries

Parole chiave: Corfù; cultura giuridica; giurisdizione; Stato da Mar; biblioteche private

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