Judicial and Political Power - Where is the Dividing Line?
A General Assessment on the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors under the 2010 Constitutional Amendments
Nilay Arat
Asst. Prof., Kadir Has University, Faculty of Law
In this report, the legal framework of the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors is examined in the context of safeguards against politicization of the judiciary in Turkey. For the purposes of the study, firstly the institutional scheme and then the functioning of the Turkish High Council of Judges and Prosecutors are laid down and then an attempt is made to ascertain whether such a legal environment provides for any independency.
Dans cette étude, le cadre juridique du Haut Conseil de la magistrature de la Turquie est examiné dans le contexte des garanties contre la politisation du pouvoir judiciaire en Turquie. Aux fins de cette étude, sont d’abord examinés le schéma institutionnel et le fonctionnement du Haut Conseil de la magistrature et ensuite on cherche à vérifier si un tel environnement juridique offre d’indépendance.