On the Importance of Constitutional Discourse
JD, LLM in Anglo-Saxon Law and English Legal Translation and PhD in Law and Political Sciences
from the University of Szeged. Senior Lecturer in Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the Institute of Public Law of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences (in Szeged), and head of the Public Law Center at MCC
(Mathias Corvinus Collegium) in Budapest.
Since 2022, he represents his organization (MCC) in the EPLO Board of Directors
Graduate of the University of Miskolc with a degree in law and political sciences, Professional Coordinator,
Public Law Center at MCC, PhD student in Law and Political Sciences
at the Doctoral School of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest, Hungary
Senior lecturer at the University of Szeged (Hungary),
International and Regional Studies Institute as well as consultant at the Constitutional Court of Hungary
The blog Constitutional Discourse has been designed to operate as a professional forum for the discussion of pressing Euro-American constitutional law and theory issues, broadly interpreted. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for researchers and scholars who are interested in (comparative) constitutional law to quickly share their thoughts on current issues of the Euro-Atlantic constitutional space.
Le blog Constitutional Discourse a été conçu pour fonctionner comme un forum professionnel de discussion sur les questions urgentes de droit et de théorie constitutionnels euro-américains, interprétées au sens large. Son objectif est d’offrir une opportunité aux chercheurs et universitaires qui s’intéressent au droit constitutionnel (comparé) de partager rapidement leurs réflexions sur les questions actuelles de l’espace constitutionnel euro-atlantique.