Constitutional Law / Droit constitutionnel
Greece / Grèce
Assistant Professor at the University of Athens
The aim of this chronicle is to offer a systematic study, analysis, and interpretation of all available sources on Greek primary and secondary private education from 1834 to the present, focusing especially on the study of three particular issues. First, the author is focusing on the study of the features pertaining on the conception of the freedom of education as an organisational term either through the constitutional recognition of the individual right to be free to establish and operate a private educational institution or through the legislative recognition of the right to practise such a right. Second, he is investigating into the various political, social and economic factors that have played an important role in the formation of the organisational structure of the private schools in question. Third, the author is underlining the organisational and social criteria pertaining to the function of the primary and secondary private education. The abovementioned criteria have been established with the aim to guarantee the quality of the educational level and to maintain the same educational level of knowledge for the students of both State and private schools.