Finland / Finlande
The chronicle on administrative law in Finland starts with a brief introduction to Finnish administrative law with some hints about sources of information in English, especially on the Internet. The main enactments in the field of general administrative law are the Administrative Procedure Act (APA 2003) and the Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (AJPA 1996). The reform of fundamental rights (1995), the entry into force of the new Constitution (2000) and Finland’s accession to the European Union (1995) have all had a major impact on administrative law. In 2010, regional State administration was reorganised. Tasks and duties of several regional State authorities were assigned to two types of regional State authorities: the Regional State Administrative Agencies and the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and Environment. Legal, constitution-based arguments were crucial when decisions on territorial division of the country were made. The second change in 2010, analysed here, relates to the rectification of administrative decisions. Through an Act of Parliament, a new chapter on the rectification proceedings was added to the APA.