Administration without Frontiers? European Migration Law: Russia
Ekaterina Kiseleva
2009/ Vol. 21, No. 1, (71)
Digital edition
5.00 €

Administration without Frontiers?
European Migration Law


Ekaterina Kiseleva

Associate Professor at the Department of Public International Law, Law Fac­ulty,
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

 After the collapse of the Soviet system of population registration, a new system, de­tailed and thought-out, is being introduced under the principal jurisdiction of the Federal Migration Service of Russia since the early years of the third millennium. The legal acts provide for rules and principles of processing, analysis, storage, pro­tec­tion and use of the information about quantitative and qualitative social, eco­nomic and other parameters of migratory processes of both Russian and foreign citi­zens and stateless persons. Russia cooperates with different States and organi­zations in the field of monitoring migration. Procedural certainty regarding entry into the territory of Russia is also in place. However, there are some inconsisten­cies in the rules of expulsion, where several notions, which are not very clearly dif­ferentiated from a legal point of view, are used, as well as, but to a lesser extent, in the rules on human smuggling and trafficking. A comprehensive State program on the integration of migrants does not exist at all currently, with the initiative in this respect having been passed to the subjects of the Federation. Thus, a system for moni­toring migration in Russia is being developed quite dynamically and success­fully. At the same time, legal instruments of national migration control continue to contain certain provisions not concerted with each other.

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