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EPLO in Attica, Greece
EPLO in Rome, Italy
Τhe EPLO Publications comprise journals, series and stand-alone publications dealing with topical issues of public law . The European Review of Public Law as well as the Central and Eastern European Legal Studies are included in EBSCO’s Legal Source database - as Academic Journals. The European Politeia is found on EBSCO’s Academic Search Ultimate database - as an Academic Journal.
Editors/Boards of Editors/Scientific Boards:
Central and Eastern European Legal Studies
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) was created as an international organization with headquarters in Athens, Greece, with suitable governance...
How can we help? Do not hesitate to send us a message via the form below. We will get back to you soon. If you have any questions concerning the EPLO publications, check out our FAQ page.
EPLO in Attica, Greece
Phone: +30 211 311 0671
Fax: +30 22920 68913
Address 1: 16, Achaiou St., 106 75 Kolonaki, Athens, Greece
Address 2: 2 Polygnotou and Dioskouron St., Plaka, 10555 Athens. Greece
EPLO in Rome, Italy
Email: info@eplο.int Website:
Phone: +39 0635292619, +30 2113110697
Address: Palazzo Altemps, Piazza S. Apollinare 46, 00186 Rome, Italy
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